Yet Another Ridiculous Acronym (Yara) was developed by Victor M. Alvarez (@plusvic) and @VirusTotal, and is a tool aimed at (but not limited to) helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples.

Yara can identify information based on both binary and textual patterns, such as hexadecimal and strings contained within a file. It can be used in combination with many other useful tools.

Installation and basic use on Linux


sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install yara

From source

Use if installing package does not work.

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install dependencies:

sudo apt install automake libtool make gcc flex bison libssl-dev libjansson-dev libmagic-dev pkg-config

Download the latest release (at time of writing is 4.2.3):

wget https://github.com/VirusTotal/yara/archive/v4.2.3.tar.gz

Extract the tar.gz:

tar -zxvf v4.2.3.tar.gz

Compile and install:

cd yara-4.2.3
chmod +x configure
chmod +x bootstrap.sh
sudo make install

Scanning with Loki

LOKI is a free open source IOC (Indicator of Compromise) scanner created/written by Florian Roth.

According to the GitHub page, detection is based on 4 methods:

  1. File Name IOC Check - Regex match on full file path/name

  2. Yara Rule Check - Yara signature match on file data and process memory

  3. Hash Check - Compares known malicious hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256) with scanned files

  4. C2 Back Connect Check - Compares process connection endpoints with C2 IOCs (new since version v.10)

LOKI can be used on both Windows and Linux systems for:

  • Research threat intelligence reports, blog postings, etc. and gather information on the latest tactics and techniques used in the wild, past or present: IOCs (hashes, IP addresses, domain names, etc.) will be shared so rules can be created to detect these threats, along with Yara rules.

  • In situations with something unknown that the security stack of tools can’t/didn’t detect: Using tools such as Loki, add rules based on threat intelligence gathering or findings from an incident response engagement (forensics).


Loki already has a set of Yara rules for start scanning for evil on an endpoint.


$ sudo python loki.py -p ~/suspicious-files/file1/
[sudo] password for cmnatic: 
      __   ____  __ ______                            
     / /  / __ \/ //_/  _/                            
    / /__/ /_/ / ,< _/ /                              
      ________  _____  ____                           
     /  _/ __ \/ ___/ / __/______ ____  ___  ___ ____ 
    _/ // /_/ / /__  _\ \/ __/ _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ -_) __/ 
   /___/\____/\___/ /___/\__/\_,_/_//_/_//_/\__/_/    

   Copyright by Florian Roth, Released under the GNU General Public License
   Version 0.32.1
   Please report false positives via https://github.com/Neo23x0/Loki/issues

[NOTICE] Starting Loki Scan VERSION: 0.32.1 SYSTEM: thm-yara TIME: 20221030T00:38:10Z PLATFORM:     PROC: x86_64 ARCH: 64bit 
[NOTICE] Registered plugin PluginWMI
[NOTICE] Loaded plugin /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/plugins/loki-plugin-wmi.py
[NOTICE] PE-Sieve successfully initialized BINARY: /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/tools/pe-sieve64.exe SOURCE: https://github.com/hasherezade/pe-sieve
[INFO] File Name Characteristics initialized with 2841 regex patterns
[INFO] C2 server indicators initialized with 1541 elements
[INFO] Malicious MD5 Hashes initialized with 19034 hashes
[INFO] Malicious SHA1 Hashes initialized with 7159 hashes
[INFO] Malicious SHA256 Hashes initialized with 22841 hashes
[INFO] False Positive Hashes initialized with 30 hashes
[INFO] Processing YARA rules folder /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/signature-base/yara
[INFO] Initializing all YARA rules at once (composed string of all rule files)
[INFO] Initialized 653 Yara rules
[INFO] Reading private rules from binary ...
[INFO] Current user is root - very good
[NOTICE] Running plugin PluginWMI
[NOTICE] Finished running plugin PluginWMI
[INFO] Scanning /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file1/ ...  
FILE: /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file1/ind3x.php SCORE: 70 TYPE: PHP SIZE: 80992 
FIRST_BYTES: 3c3f7068700a2f2a0a09623337346b20322e320a / <?php/*b374k 2.2 
MD5: 1606bdac2cb613bf0b8a22690364fbc5 
SHA1: 9383ed4ee7df17193f7a034c3190ecabc9000f9f 
SHA256: 5479f8cd1375364770df36e5a18262480a8f9d311e8eedb2c2390ecb233852ad CREATED: Mon Nov  9 15:15:32 2020 MODIFIED: Mon Nov  9 13:06:56 2020 ACCESSED: Sun Oct 30 00:35:44 2022 
REASON_1: Yara Rule MATCH: webshell_metaslsoft SUBSCORE: 70 
DESCRIPTION: Web Shell - file metaslsoft.php REF: - 
MATCHES: Str1: $buff .= "<tr><td><a href=\\"?d=".$pwd."\\">[ $folder ]</a></td><td>LINK</t
[NOTICE] Results: 0 alerts, 1 warnings, 6 notices
[RESULT] Suspicious objects detected!
[RESULT] Loki recommends a deeper analysis of the suspicious objects.
[INFO] Please report false positives via https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base
[NOTICE] Finished LOKI Scan SYSTEM: thm-yara TIME: 20221030T00:38:14Z
Press Enter to exit ...


$ sudo python loki.py -p ~/suspicious-files/file2/
      __   ____  __ ______                            
     / /  / __ \/ //_/  _/                            
    / /__/ /_/ / ,< _/ /                              
      ________  _____  ____                           
     /  _/ __ \/ ___/ / __/______ ____  ___  ___ ____ 
    _/ // /_/ / /__  _\ \/ __/ _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ -_) __/ 
   /___/\____/\___/ /___/\__/\_,_/_//_/_//_/\__/_/    

   Copyright by Florian Roth, Released under the GNU General Public License
   Version 0.32.1
   Please report false positives via https://github.com/Neo23x0/Loki/issues

[NOTICE] Starting Loki Scan VERSION: 0.32.1 SYSTEM: thm-yara TIME: 20221030T00:42:24Z PLATFORM:     PROC: x86_64 ARCH: 64bit 
[NOTICE] Registered plugin PluginWMI
[NOTICE] Loaded plugin /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/plugins/loki-plugin-wmi.py
[NOTICE] PE-Sieve successfully initialized BINARY: /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/tools/pe-sieve64.exe SOURCE: https://github.com/hasherezade/pe-sieve
[INFO] File Name Characteristics initialized with 2841 regex patterns
[INFO] C2 server indicators initialized with 1541 elements
[INFO] Malicious MD5 Hashes initialized with 19034 hashes
[INFO] Malicious SHA1 Hashes initialized with 7159 hashes
[INFO] Malicious SHA256 Hashes initialized with 22841 hashes
[INFO] False Positive Hashes initialized with 30 hashes
[INFO] Processing YARA rules folder /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/signature-base/yara
[INFO] Initializing all YARA rules at once (composed string of all rule files)
[INFO] Initialized 653 Yara rules
[INFO] Reading private rules from binary ...
[INFO] Current user is root - very good
[NOTICE] Running plugin PluginWMI
[NOTICE] Finished running plugin PluginWMI
[INFO] Scanning /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file2/ ...  
[NOTICE] Results: 0 alerts, 0 warnings, 6 notices
[INFO] Please report false positives via https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base
[NOTICE] Finished LOKI Scan SYSTEM: thm-yara TIME: 20221030T00:42:28Z

We have a file that Loki did not flag on and running Loki on other web servers is useless, because if file 2 exists in any of the webs servers, it will go undetected.

The solution is to create a Yara rule to detect this specific web shell. Manually sifting through lines upon lines of code to find possible strings that can be used in a Yara rule can be daunting.

yarGen can be used in this case.

Creating Yara rules with yarGen

yarGen is a generator for YARA rules.

From the README - “The main principle is the creation of yara rules from strings found in malware files while removing all strings that also appear in goodware files. Therefore yarGen includes a big goodware strings and opcode database as ZIP archives that have to be extracted before the first use.”


Generate a Yara rule for suspicious file 2:

  • -m is the path to the files you want to generate rules for

  • --excludegood force to exclude all goodware strings (these are strings found in legitimate software and can increase false positives)

  • -o location & name you want to output the Yara rule

$ sudo python3 yarGen.py -m /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file2 --excludegood -o /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file2.yar
    __ _____ _____/ ___/__ ___      
   / // / _ `/ __/ (_ / -_) _ \     
   \_, /\_,_/_/  \___/\__/_//_/     
  /___/  Yara Rule Generator        
         Florian Roth, July 2020, Version 0.23.3
  Note: Rules have to be post-processed
  See this post for details: https://medium.com/@cyb3rops/121d29322282
[+] Using identifier 'file2'
[+] Using reference 'https://github.com/Neo23x0/yarGen'
[+] Using prefix 'file2'
[+] Processing PEStudio strings ...
[+] Reading goodware strings from database 'good-strings.db' ...
    (This could take some time and uses several Gigabytes of RAM depending on your db size)
[+] Loading ./dbs/good-imphashes-part9.db ...
[+] Total: 1 / Added 1 entries
[+] Loading ./dbs/good-exports-part6.db ...
[+] Total: 8065 / Added 8065 entries
[+] Loading ./dbs/good-imphashes-part2.db ...
[+] Loading ./dbs/good-strings-part7.db ...
[+] Total: 12284943 / Added 851561 entries
[+] Processing malware files ...
[+] Processing /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file2/1ndex.php ...
[+] Generating statistical data ...
[+] Generating Super Rules ... (a lot of foo magic)
[+] Generating Simple Rules ...
[-] Applying intelligent filters to string findings ...
[-] Filtering string set for /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file2/1ndex.php ...
[=] Generated 1 SIMPLE rules.
[=] All rules written to /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file2.yar
[+] yarGen run finished

Examine the generated Yara rule and remove any strings that you feel might generate false positives. If need be, use yarAnalyzer.

From within the root of the suspicious files directory, to test Yara and the generated Yara rule against file 2:

yara file2.yar file2/1ndex.php

Now it is flagged.

Copy the generated Yara rule into the Loki signatures directory:

~/suspicious-files$ cp file2.yar ~/tools/Loki/signature-base/yara

Test the Yara rule with Loki:

$ sudo python ~/tools/Loki/loki.py -p ~/suspicious-files/file2
      __   ____  __ ______                            
     / /  / __ \/ //_/  _/                            
    / /__/ /_/ / ,< _/ /                              
      ________  _____  ____                           
     /  _/ __ \/ ___/ / __/______ ____  ___  ___ ____ 
    _/ // /_/ / /__  _\ \/ __/ _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ -_) __/ 
   /___/\____/\___/ /___/\__/\_,_/_//_/_//_/\__/_/    

   Copyright by Florian Roth, Released under the GNU General Public License
   Version 0.32.1
   Please report false positives via https://github.com/Neo23x0/Loki/issues
[NOTICE] Starting Loki Scan VERSION: 0.32.1 SYSTEM: thm-yara TIME: 20221030T00:52:53Z PLATFORM:     PROC: x86_64 ARCH: 64bit 
[NOTICE] Registered plugin PluginWMI
[NOTICE] Loaded plugin /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/plugins/loki-plugin-wmi.py
[NOTICE] PE-Sieve successfully initialized BINARY: /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/tools/pe-sieve64.exe SOURCE: https://github.com/hasherezade/pe-sieve
[INFO] File Name Characteristics initialized with 2841 regex patterns
[INFO] C2 server indicators initialized with 1541 elements
[INFO] Malicious MD5 Hashes initialized with 19034 hashes
[INFO] Malicious SHA1 Hashes initialized with 7159 hashes
[INFO] Malicious SHA256 Hashes initialized with 22841 hashes
[INFO] False Positive Hashes initialized with 30 hashes
[INFO] Processing YARA rules folder /home/cmnatic/tools/Loki/signature-base/yara
[INFO] Initializing all YARA rules at once (composed string of all rule files)
[INFO] Initialized 654 Yara rules
[INFO] Reading private rules from binary ...
[INFO] Current user is root - very good
[NOTICE] Running plugin PluginWMI
[NOTICE] Finished running plugin PluginWMI
[INFO] Scanning /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file2 ...  
FILE: /home/cmnatic/suspicious-files/file2/1ndex.php SCORE: 70 TYPE: PHP SIZE: 223978 
FIRST_BYTES: 3c3f7068700a2f2a0a09623337346b207368656c / <?php/*b374k shel 
MD5: c6a7ebafdbe239d65248e2b69b670157 
SHA1: 3926ab64dcf04e87024011cf39902beac32711da 
SHA256: 53fe44b4753874f079a936325d1fdc9b1691956a29c3aaf8643cdbd49f5984bf CREATED: Mon Nov  9 15:16:03 2020 MODIFIED: Mon Nov  9 13:09:18 2020 ACCESSED: Sun Oct 30 00:42:28 2022 
REASON_1: Yara Rule MATCH: _home_cmnatic_suspicious_files_file2_1ndex SUBSCORE: 70 
DESCRIPTION: file2 - file 1ndex.php REF: https://github.com/Neo23x0/yarGen 
MATCHES: Str1: var Zepto=function(){function G(a){return a==null?String(a):z[A.call(a)]||"object"}function H(a){return G(a)=="function"}fun Str2: re ... (truncated)
[NOTICE] Results: 0 alerts, 1 warnings, 6 notices
[RESULT] Suspicious objects detected!
[RESULT] Loki recommends a deeper analysis of the suspicious objects.
[INFO] Please report false positives via https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base
[NOTICE] Finished LOKI Scan SYSTEM: thm-yara TIME: 20221030T00:52:57Z
Press Enter to exit ...
